
Traveling safely with our Family

One of the most exciting moments we live is when we travel with our loved ones, our family, or our friends on a trip to a beautiful destination. During which we will have fun and experience unique moments, and of course, we relax from our daily lives.

Of course, when we go on our trips, we always hope that our holidays are the best, but there is a possibility that something goes wrong, then:

How can we have a Perfect Vacation?

When going on vacation with our families, we are always accompanied by our most loved ones, and that is why we want to make sure that all the moments we live with them during our holidays are the most special.

And there are many ways to make sure that our loved one, our children and friends are more than safe and have a great time.

At the hotel

Utilizando tu celular para confirmar tu reserva en el aeropuerto

Re-confirm Reservations

One of the things that affect many people happens when we are close to the date of our trips. We think that everything is fine without making sure we have everything we need or do not prepare for eventualities at the airport.

That is why it is essential to always have at hand the phone number of our hotel. With this, we'll be able to inform of any changes or even confirm the reservation of our transportation. This will guarantee that we'll be able to fly and reach our destination with peace of mind.

Plan Activities

When we fly with our children, the activities can be one of the things we really need to have ready in advance. This is not because there are not many things to do to the place we are going, on the contrary, in the tourist destinations such as Cabo and Cancún there are many different options what can you do.

This is precisely the reason why it is crucial to plan in advance. What we want is for everyone to agree with what is going to be done, the tours that we'll take and the places we'll be visiting; By doing this, we can make sure that our whole family and friends can have fun in what they like and our vacation will be the best.

Pidiendo direcciones en tus vacaciones

Ask for help

When we go on vacation to a distant destination, which usually has a different language that the locals speak, sometimes we may not want to ask for help for this reason. But this is something we must do since it can help us when we need to find something, Get somewhere or we need a reference or translation.

One of the easiest ways to communicate in a foreign country is by using our cell phones; technology has undoubtedly come to help us during our travels with simple tools we can use.

If you have an Android, you'll be able to use Google's Cortana, and you'll use Siri. If you own an iPhone, both will have the same function, which is to translate words and signs.

So if we are trying to explain to the locals, but we are not sure how to say something, we can use the translator, and when we need the answer, this same instrument will help us to have a solution that we can understand without any problem.

Take care of your allergies

While we are in our hotel, it is essential to be safe from the moment we arrive, and one way of doing this is, of course, making sure that our food is suitable for our consumption. This means not having problems if we are allergic to something.

To be sure of this, we have to rely on the hotel staff, from the concierges that help us, waiters, bartenders, or even the chef; so that when we go to restaurants, our food is made especially for us if we have any type of allergy.

Or we can even ask for options of dishes that fit our diets according to our ability to eat certain types of food or follow a diet.

Know the Rules

Of course, one of the most important things we have to take into consideration is to know the rules, so that we do not get into trouble.

This is not only because of the fact that we are well during our stay since we must also respect the other people who are enjoying their stay, so we must follow the instructions and regulations of the place where we stay.

This also means that we must follow the instructions of the security personnel, as well as the trained staff who are assisting us, no matter which since the most important thing for them as for us is that we are safe and enjoy our vacations.

Outside the Hotel

Tours Familiares en tus vacaciones

When we leave our hotel where we stay, we usually do it because we want to explore the destination, be able to enter and know what life is like in the destination, as well as talk to the same people who live there, and even be able to see the artistic expressions, cultural and witness the flora and fauna.

This also means that when we travel, we have to take a few things to make sure we can enjoy this experience in the best way.

Remember to keep an eye on the little ones

Without a doubt, our children are among the first who can be noticed when they see artists on the street, or animals while we are on tour, and obviously a great recommendation is that you keep an eye on your kids during the activities and the tours you might go onl.

Leading us in Destiny

When we want to travel the destination, we may not have a specific goal in mind; maybe we want to know a restaurant, go see the square, a statue or just walk on the beach.

If, in your case, you have thought of a place you want to go to, but you do not know the destination well, you do not have to worry, since there are different ways in which we can guide ourselves to be able to arrive without mishaps.

One of them is to ask our hotel concierges to help us go where we can go to or the best places to visit during our stay, so we can go to the sites they recommend.

In the same way, to guide us to that place, if we still have doubts, we can rely on one of the most useful tools, a GPS. But where do I get one of those?

The answer is so close to you that you only have to put your hand in your pocket; that is, your cell phone has this tool, and with the Google Maps service, you can go to your destination, with just one click.

I hope the recommendations that I have shared serve you, so you can enjoy your vacation even more during your next trip.

We will be waiting for you at your Favorite Solaris Resort!

