As you have read it before, Cancun is the host of several international events through the year, being December 6th the date chosen by the International Athletics commission to hold the Rock & Roll Marathon in Cancun 2019 (it’s continuing the Tradition of December marathons that has been going on for over 35 years)
This running competition, had four different categories in two days, starting on Friday the 6th with 3 & 6 mile runs, following on Saturday the 7th, with a 13 & 26 mile runs.
Over 1000 runners register to participate on Friday, being downtown at the Olimpic Stadium “Andrés Quintana Roo,” the starting point and finish line, having several stands with activities during the competition to enjoy and even a Stage for the Rock bands to perform.
So you could spect Rock bands playing all over the place, with over 20 groups playing in their set up stages during the course, and at at the finish line, ending on Saturday with a Concert from 2 major rock Bands from Mexico, El gran Silencio & Jumbo
This year, the Cancun international Marathon, joined forces with the Rock & Roll brand marathons, that brings over 30 of these high-quality events, to different cities around the world.
Without a doubt, this positions Cancun as one of the top hosts, for Sporting and entertainment activities around the whole world, with multiple events happening each month, and we are proud to say that Solaris is ready to welcome you if your planning to attend any of them in the future, as many other of our guests have done before. Hope to see you soon, at your home away from home.